MAAS History
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Entries by Sean OConnell Public (117)


Condition Remains GREEN

Adobe has updated Flash Player for MacOSX to version to address a cross platform scripting vulnerability CVE-2011-2107 which has been exploited in the wild. 

We Recommend the following actions:

  • Update to the latest version of Flash Player.
  • Review your setting in System Preferences>Flash Player.
  • Consider using a browser extension that limits Flash Player's behavior.




Condition Remains GREEN

There have been various Facebook viral videos which are directing users to download sites related to MacDefender malware, mainly MacGuard variant. Facebook has finally taken down the sites.

We recommend the following:

  • Block and
  • Make sure that you have updated your Mac and have installed the latest security update.
  • Criminals always use what works until it doesn't so expect them to alter the installation process.
  • Do not get wrapped up in hype, this malware is now in a controlled state. 
  • Do not install software if you did not go looking for it. 
  • Consider using a Anti-Virus product. 
  • If you install any version of MacDefender do not panic, use this script to remove it