Condition Remains GREEN
Apple has released iOS update 4.3.3 to address the location database issue including not backing it up to iTunes, deleting the cache entirely when the location services are turned off and reduced size of what is added.
Apple has released iOS update 4.3.3 to address the location database issue including not backing it up to iTunes, deleting the cache entirely when the location services are turned off and reduced size of what is added.
Intego is reporting the discovery of a Mac OSX Rogue Anti-Malware software product called MacDefender.
What to do:
Currently this Rouge Anti-Virus requirers user action so you can mitigate the threat by following the steps above.
Note: In Chrome if this is Grayed Out then no auto downloading settings have been created.
More information about removal and how to defend against MacDefender can be found at the following link.