MAAS History
exocrine exocrine

All information Provided as is.

Entries by Sean OConnell Public (117)


Condition Remains GREEN

Google has released Chrome 11.0.696.57 to the stable channel for MacOSX. 


Condition Remains GREEN

Sony's Play Station Gaming Network (PSN) was compromised and the thieves made off with user credentials including passwords, userID, addresses, phone numbers, birthdays and credit card information. We recommend the following for any users which may have been using Sony's PSN services.

Recommendations for users of the PSN:

  • Change your passwords on sites which you used on the PSN network. Advoid sharing passwords across sites.
  • Monitor your credit card statements and purchases.
  • Remove or change your credit card information if it was used on PSN from sites such as Amazon or Apple iTunes Store.
  • Consider if you are a heavy user of PSN replacing your credit card, the cost is much less then unauthorized purchases.