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Condition Remains GREEN

Apple has released a host of updates including Safari, iWork and Remote Desktop.

  1. iWork 9.2 Update. 
  2. Apple Remote Desktop Admin 3.6. 
  3. Safari 6.0, Apple-SA-2012-07-25-1.

Apple also has released Mountain Lion to the Mac APP Store. Due to the high demand for Mountain Lion, users may get an error message from the Mac APP store such as "The product distribution file could not be verified...". You should wait a couple of hours and then try again. On the rare event that problem persist you can take the following steps:

  1. Open the Console.APP and search for FRPurchaseManager.
  2. You will see an errors, look for the "The product distribution file could not be verified..." 
  3. Open that error, you will see more errors, one stating that the "URL was not found on the server."
  4. Find the directory path of the downloaded file/folder.
  5. Example:var/folders/0x/kp18vxxx97nn2b5czzwxxxhxx9xxxx00gs/C/
  6. Select <Shift><COMMAND><G> or Go>Go To Folder
  7. Enter /var/folders
  8. Trash the folder that Mountain Lion was downloading to. (See step five for directory name, it usually will have a name such as "0c".)
  9. Quit out of Mac App Store.
  10. Reopen Mac App Store.
  11. Try purchase again.




References (3)

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